At Canyons Community Church, we want children to grow in their faith, connect with others, and look forward to coming back each Sunday. Our goal is to help parents teach biblical truth from God's Word by connecting to the hearts of their children.
We want families to have many opportunities to share faith in the Lord with their kids. While children of all ages are ALWAYS welcome in our service, our Sunday School for up to 3rd grade allows you to be fed by the Word in the main sanctuary while your children are nurtured in a safe environment through a lesson they can easily understand.
Alongside the lesson we sing songs, do crafts, and enjoy games and snacks! If the weather is nice, we play outside on our playground. Activity filled busy bags are available at the Welcome Desk for any young people who are ready to attend our main worship with their families during a portion or all of the service. Our prayer is for children to grow in their faith, connect with others and look forward to returning each week whatever stage they are in!
Nursery and Sunday School are offered during worship from 10:30-11:30am. Please check in at the Welcome Desk.
Our Nursery room is staffed by members of our church who have passed a background check and want to help you care for your babies during the service. Infants 6 weeks to 3 years (or pre-school ready) will have a blast playing in our clean and well-stocked nursery space while you care for yourself in worship. A live feed of the service is streamed to the room for your convenience.​
Nursing/Cry Room
Canyons loves babies! The sound of children is music to our ears! While we encourage and accept mothers and fathers caring for their babies in the service, there are times when caregivers need a bit more space. A comfortable and well-equipped nursing room is available at the back of the sanctuary for your and your baby's needs."
Canyon's Children's Church is currently learning together through a study called "Truths About God".
"Truth Made Simple"
Lectures for Children on the Attributes of God
By: John Todd
"Great Truths for Little Children"
By: Grace and Truth Books
Email children@canyonscc.org